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MNHockey TV Now at the Waconia Ice Arena

Exciting news! The Waconia Ice Arena has partnered with MN Hockey TV to install Spiideo cameras in the arena. This will allow our WHA/WHS families to view any of our WHA/WHS home games via the MN Hockey TV website. Below is more informaiton from MN Hockey TV and voucher code coupons for families is access.
Welcome to MN Hockey.TV and the start of the Waconia hockey season! Below we included the voucher code options, directions and images to help you navigate an start watching games:
Season pass - Monthly $26.95 / Yearly $195.95
Code: 4010
Purchase Options:
Single Games Live - $9.95/game
On Demand (games not live) - $9.95/game
For more information regarding MNHockey TV, contact us.
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